Fifty 5 Fitness offers in-studio classes designed specifically for women 55+.

scroll down to see all class types.


The 55+ Balance class is designed to incorporate all types of exercise that have been proven to be beneficial for individuals 55+. The class consists of non-impact cardio, mobility work, lower and upper body strength training, balance exercises, core exercises, and stretching. Clients can expect a wide variety of movement that can be modified to accommodate any fitness level. The 55+ Balance class is the building block for all other Fifty 5 Fitness classes, as you are exposed to a little bit of everything. (1 hour) LEVEL: Beginner to advanced fitness levels

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The 55 Strength class consists of functional fitness circuit training designed to build muscular strength. Clients can expect to take part in multiple strength training circuits designed specifically for women 55+. The class includes a combination of lower and upper body strength exercises, short bursts of cardio, and core exercises. Instructors place emphasis on safety by going over proper form and alignment and provide modifications to make sure the exercises challenge all fitness levels. (1 hour) LEVEL: Beginner to advanced fitness levels

The 55 Warrior is a fast paced circuit exercise class that uses many different types of equipment to achieve a full body workout.

This low impact but high intense full body exercise class will engage every muscle in your body. Move two times around the circuit, and after a quick 45 minutes your workout is done for the day! (45 min) LEVEL: Intermediate to advanced (due to the fast pace of the class). If new to the studio, please try a few 55 + Balance or 55 Strength classes first before jumping into a 55 Warrior class.

The Metabolic Mixer class is specifically designed for women in perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause. The class incorporates heavy lifting for short duration and short bursts of cardio for maximal strength building, bone density, and weight management. Clients can expect to use heavy weights, heavy bands, and work hard. Exercises will target a variety of muscle groups. The class is organized in two circuits completed three times through, with interval cardio bursts sprinkled in between. (1 hour) LEVEL: Intermediate to advanced due to the heavy lifting in the class - Need at least 1 month of consistent strength training before jumping into The Metabolic Mixer.

The TRX strong class utilizes the TRX suspension training system which is a piece of fitness equipment that allows you to use your body weight as resistance. The TRX system has been proven to help develop strength, balance, core stability, coordination, and mobility. Clients can expect strength training exercises that incorporate the TRX system, dumbbells, and bands that target the upper and lower body as well as the core. (45 minutes) LEVEL: Beginner to advanced

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The benefits of kettlebell training is endless, and are starting to outshine the conventional dumbbells and fancy machines found in gyms. This class will increase your muscular strength, muscular endurance, core stability, and cardio endurance. In every class you will work your entire body, burning more calories than any other class we offer! Learn an art form, and become stronger and healthier at the same time! (1 hour) LEVEL: Intermediate to advanced - Need at least 1 month of consistent strength training before jumping into The 55 Kettlebell class.

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The 55 Barre class is a full body isometric, non-impact workout that is Pilates, yoga, and ballet inspired. In this class the clients can expect to target all muscle groups using small weights and tiny controlled movements. Muscles are pushed to the point of fatigue, often resulting in “the shake”. This class helps keep you form focused, while challenging your muscular endurance. (1 hour) LEVEL: Beginner to advanced

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The 55 Step class applies current exercise research to the classic aerobic step of the past. This class uses the aerobic step to increase your heart rate, building cardio strength and endurance. The 55 Step class also incorporates upper body and core strength exercises using free weights, bands and balls. Clients can expect to break a sweat and hit over 5000 steps in this cardio focused class. (1 hour) LEVEL: Beginner to advanced


The Let’s Get Moving Chair Fitness class is catered to beginners and acts as a great starting point for those who have never exercised before. The Let’s Get Moving class teaches clients how to exercise safely. The instructor will take time to go over proper form and alignment while teaching functional movements such a squat, hip hinge, lunge, pull, press, and rotation. It is designed to build physical literacy and strength so that individuals feel they can confidently jump into any Fifty 5 Fitness class (45 minutes). LEVEL: Beginner

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  • LATE CANCEL POLICY: Cancellation of your class must be made 8 hours before the start of your class. If not, you will lose the class (Unlimited Memberships - no late cancel fees).

  • No classes will be held on Manitoba stat holidays.

  • Due to COVID19 our IN-STUDIO classes will flip to ZOOM if the Manitoba Government closes all gyms & fitness centers. Classes will remain on Zoom until we can safely get back to 10 clients in the studio.

  • No refunds will be given on memberships or class passes after 1 week of use.



  • Ability to put your membership on hold 2 times through the 1-year contract.

  • No late cancellation fees!

  • 2 free Cranked Energy protein bars at time of membership purchase.

  • FREE bottle of water if you forget yours!

  • 15% off ALL merchandise!

  • 25% off fitness assessments!

  • FREE use of our in-studio sweat towels!


  • Ability to put your membership on hold 1 time throughout the 6 month contract.

  • No late cancellation fees!

  • One FREE Cranked Bar after purchase!

  • FREE bottle of water if you forget yours!

  • 10% off ALL merchandise!

  • 25% off fitness assessments!

  • FREE use of our in-studio sweat towels!


  • One FREE Cranked Bar after purchase!

  • FREE bottle of water if you forget yours!

  • 10% off ALL merchandise!