Right and Wrong Squats - Fifty 5 Fitness

Recently in class we’ve been working hard on form and alignment in some of our basic movement patterns like squats. Without good form, repetitive movements can cause injuries. When you come to a Fifty 5 Fitness class, your instructor makes sure that every client is educated on form and alignment. So we’re trying to do the same in this blog post!

Avoid These Common Errors:

  1. Knees Past Your Heels / Heels Lifted / Arched Back

Wrong Way to Do Squats - Fifty 5 Fitness

Avoid These Common Errors:

2. Knees Bowing In / Arched Back

Wrong Way to do Squats - Fifty 5 Fitness

Here’s How to Do Squats the Right Way

Squats: The Right Way - Fifty 5 Fitness

Start with a wider stance letting your toes point forwards or slightly out. Hold your weights at shoulder height and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pull your bellybutton towards your spine. You’re going to keep your shoulders drawn back and your abdominal muscles strong for the whole exercise. Start to lower your tailbone down and back while being mindful of your knees. Here’s what’s most important: your knees stay above your heels at all times even if that means your hips don’t go as low for the time being. Keep that spine long and your gaze forward. Press into the soles of your feet to lift back up to start and begin again! Try 3 sets of 10 squats with a light weight of 2-5 lbs. You can increase the weight or the repetitions when you feel you’re ready to move on. 

Fifty 5 Fitness Squats Winnipeg

This one looks deceptively easy but look out! You’ll feel it in your glutes later today! And in case you want more strength training - there’s always classes going on at Fifty 5 Fitness for fitness in Winnipeg!