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We know that all of you 55+ ladies have concerns about your knees, so we strive to make all of our classes and exercises knee-safe. What does that mean? All aerobic and strength training exercises are low-impact so that you can feel confident you won’t accidentally worsen or create an injury. Today’s exercise is energizing and strengthening - you’ll be able to feel your quads and back getting stronger!

Start Here (A)


Start lying down on your mat or carpet with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Walk your heels towards your hips and keep all of your toes pointed straight ahead. Lay your hands down at your sides and press your palms into the mat. Maintain a long neck and leave your chin in a neutral position. 


Movement (B)


Engage your core muscles (yes, just about everything is a secret core strengthener!) then press into your heels and lift your hips off the ground. Be mindful to hold some of your weight in your hands, the rest of your weight in your feet and none of your weight in your neck. Maintain this posture by continuing to lift your hips off the ground and visualize the front of your body in one line. Keep your front body and back body engaged to strengthen your hamstrings, back, quads and core!

Hold this pose for 30 seconds to start, then gradually hold bridge for longer when it becomes easy. Try bridge in 3 sets of 30 seconds to begin and increase as your body becomes stronger. For more back strength training exercises, join us for Fifty 5 Fitness classes for women in Winnipeg!