Side Leg Lifts - Fitness Classes in Winnipeg Fifty 5 Fitness

I get asked all the time, “Why did you start Fifty 5 Fitness?” When I was in Kinesiology at University of Winnipeg and learning about activity and aging, I really started to think about my parents and if they were “moving” enough. When I was younger I can remember my Mom driving me to a million dance classes a week, but never going to an exercise class for herself. (Now as a mother, I realize how limited your time is for you with young kids at home.) I convinced my Mom and Dad when I was in university to get a treadmill and that was the beginning of them exercising. I loved that they were walking a few times a week, but I knew they could be doing more.

I wanted a space where my Mom and other ladies 55+ could come and learn how to exercise - that’s the big “why” behind Fifty 5 Fitness. A space where my Mom and women like her could not feel out of place, learn proper form and alignment, and be surrounded by like minded women. And so, Fifty 5 Fitness began. The reality is that starting to exercise is doable if you start small with the right techniques. Today’s exercise is a simple side leg lift which can be done with or without a resistance band to help you get “moving.” Try this exercise at home and when you’ve built up some confidence we’d love if you would join us at a class at our Winnipeg studio!



Side Leg Lift - Fitness for Women in Winnipeg

Stand facing a support of some sort - a countertop, mantle or half wall will do nicely. If you’re using a resistance band, position it at mid-thigh level, and shift your weight onto one foot. Hover the other foot just off the ground and ensure you’re standing with a tall posture.

Movement (B):

Standing Side Leg Lift - Women's Fitness Winnipeg

Then, engage your abdominal muscles, squeeze your shoulders together and down, and begin to lift your leg to the side in a slow and fluid motion. Whether you’ve got the resistance band or not, see if you can practice controlled movement to get the biggest bang for your buck with this exercise. Repeat this motion for a total of ten reps, then switch to the other side. Aim for 3 sets of 10 for left and right!

My goal for Fifty 5 Fitness is simple - to have you moving in a healthy way that also feels fun! Sometimes working out in a group can be a powerful motivator - our classes in Winnipeg are always full of like-minded ladies you’ll enjoy exercising with! Pictured here is me, Emily, the owner of Fifty 5 Fitness, and some of our classes are taught by other talented instructors. Click below to meet us all, then sign up for class so that we can meet you!