

Happy Baby - Happy Back Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

We’ve had a great start to our Winter Session, meeting many new clients and welcoming back current clients from last session. Getting moving together is bound to make us all happy, and so will this week’s stretch: happy baby! A wonderful stretch for your back, hamstrings, hips, inner thighs, chest, and shoulders, this one is effective in so many ways!



Happy Baby Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

Start with half-happy baby if you’ve never tried this one before: Lying on your back on a flat surface, bend both knees and plant your feet on the ground. Engaging your abdominal muscles, lift your right leg and grasp onto the inside edge of your right foot. While pulling down slightly with your hand, press your foot up slightly into your hand to create an isometric stretch. At the same time, press your right hip down into the floor. Notice if your shoulders have lifted off the ground and settle them back down. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then release and repeat on your left side.


Happy Baby Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

Now that you’ve tried half-happy baby, you’re ready to give the full happy baby a try! Engage your abdominals once more and lift one leg at a time, reaching your right arm to your right foot, and your left arm to your left foot. If you have difficulties reaching your feet, grasp onto the inside of your calves instead. Reach your tailbone toward the floor and lengthen your back to hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds.

Fifty 5 Fitness aims to have you moving in a healthy way that also feels fun! Exercising together as a group can be a powerful motivator - our classes in Winnipeg are always full of like-minded ladies you’ll enjoy exercising with! Pictured here is me, Emily, the owner of Fifty 5 Fitness, and some of our classes are taught by other talented instructors. Click below to meet us all, then sign up for class so that we can meet you!


Hamstring Stretch Exercise Fifty 5 Fitness

Whether it be to modify an exercise, help you with your form and alignment, or push you a little bit harder, your instructor is always there to help at a Fifty 5 Fitness class. When attempting hamstring stretches, many clients tend to round their backs and shoulders. Did you know that you get less out of the exercise that way? This modification helps with form AND alignment to give you a better hamstring stretch and prevent any back or neck injuries.



Hamstring Stretch with Strap - Modified Exercise by Fifty 5 Fitness

Seated with your legs extended forward, loop a yoga strap, tie, or scarf around the undersides of your feet. Take a moment to sit up tall by pressing your sit bones down and reaching the crown of your head up. Engage your core slightly, and hold the strap as closely as you can, keeping your elbows near your ribs.

Movement (B):

Hamstring Stretch Exercise - Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Next, draw your elbows back as you tilt your belly button down towards your thighs. Keep a long back - no rounding allowed! Keep your attention on keeping your shoulders away from your ears as you lean forward and pull both sides of the strap towards you. Bonus points if you also push your feet towards the other side of the strap! Breathe into the backs of your legs as this can be an intense hamstring stretch. Our hamstrings tend to shorten over time when we do too much sitting or too much exercise without stretching. This is an excellent stretch to do after any exercise or going out walking!

Remember to hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds and try to breathe naturally during this time. Be aware of any shortening or holding of breath - if this happens to you, you may be unconsciously lifting your shoulders by your ears. Small bouts of stretching over time will increase your flexibility and reduce your chance of injury, and remember you can always multitask and do this while watching television! Having an in-person instructor is helpful to show you modifications like this one that can help you get more out of the time you spend exercising and stretching. Our instructors are all trained to assist you in your form and alignment - try out a Fifty 5 Fitness class today!

Click here to register for classes in Winnipeg! Your first class is always free.


Fifty 5 Fitness Tight Hips? Try This.jpg

In Sweat & Stretch, every Fifty 5 Fitness participant gets to enjoy the best of both worlds - 25 minutes of cardio (non-impact aerobics that is safe on your joints and muscles), 10 minutes of core exercises and 25 minutes of stretching. This 1 hour class will have you feeling revitalized and relaxed. If you can’t make it in for a class though, we’ve still got your back (er, hips!) with this week’s exercise. Any time you’re feeling a tightness in your hips, sit for a few moments in this posture to release whatever tension has built up in that space. 


Front View

Fifty 5 Fitness Tight Hips Stretching Classes.jpg

Start in a  comfortable seated posture and bring the soles of your feet together. Let your knees flop to the side without worrying about how close to the floor they are. Even though Emily is wearing shoes in these photos, feel free to try it in socks or bare feet as well. Sit in a way that you feel balanced on both sit bones and find a tall spine. Continuing to reach the crown of your head up and your tailbone down is a good habit to get into! 


Side View


To deepen this butterfly stretch, try pressing the sides of your feet into the floor and the soles of your feet together while reaching your tailbone back and down. A nice lower back release awaits you with this variation! If you’d like more of a hip release, start leaning your torso forward while keeping your spine straight. Even though you may be tempted to round your shoulders - don’t do it! Draw your shoulder blades together down your back and keep that spine long.

Hold this for between 30-60 seconds or until your hips loosen up. Over time, you’ll be able to lean forward and relax your knees towards the floor even more. Try 2 - 3 sets of 30 - 60 seconds to start to enjoy more hip flexibility.  Fifty 5 Fitness offers flexibility and stretching exercises for women in Winnipeg!