Eyes Closed Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

If your New Year’s resolution relates to health, Fifty 5 Fitness can help to support you! In fact, over the course of the last 7 weeks, 35 of our clients (plus myself and @gripsockstopknots) took part in a “🍏Healthy Eating Challenge🍏”. At Fifty 5 Fitness we are not about crazy diet fads or omitting mass amounts of food from our diet. During this challenge we wanted to try and do 3 things:

1. Get to 85% of our classes🏃🏼‍♀️ during our 7 weeks of the challenge. 

2. Make healthy meals at home🥗🍳, and try new recipes. 

3. Try to not eat the 5 C’s: chocolate🍫, candy, chips, cake 🍰and Coca Cola (ie- all pop products.)

This challenge made us focus more on making healthier food choices and staying committed to our exercise routine. If you’re looking for a healthy and non-restrictive resolution, feel free to borrow from our challenge. Today’s exercise is a challenge in and of itself - an eyes-closed balance challenge. Read on for the how-to!




Stand with both feet flat on the floor, then shift your weight over to your right foot. Press down into the floor with your right foot and keep your right knee slightly bent - never locked. With hands on hips, start to lift your left knee at a 90 degree angle. Blink your eyes closed to test your balance, and gradually, keep your eyes closed for a moment longer. See if you can keep your eyes closed for 15 seconds to complete the first round on this side. When done, lower your left foot to the ground and open your eyes. Then, repeat on the opposite side for another 15 seconds.

Movement (B):


With your hands down and away from your sides and fingers actively pointing down, begin again by shifting your weight to your right foot. With your arms in this position, try for another 15 seconds with eyes closed.

Eyes Closed Exercise - Women's Fitness Winnipeg

Last variation! With your arms outstretched at shoulder height and palms facing down, once again shift your weight to your right foot and lift the left leg. Balance for 15 seconds on each side to complete the balance challenge!

Best wishes for the New Year from your Fifty 5 Fitness crew! Happy 2019!

Our Winter session registration for our current clients begins today. All registration for new clients starts this Wednesday, January 9