Fifty 5 Fitness 90 Degree Dumbbell Shoulder Raises

At Fifty 5 Fitness, our goal is to keep your body safe and get you moving without pain or injury.  One way we can do this is starting small with light weights or even no weights. This exercise can be done without weights or with a light weight of 1lb dumbbells and grow with you as you get stronger. No dumbbells? Many kitchen staples can double as weights - try cans or bottles of water if you’re in a pinch.



Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg 90 Degree Dumbbell Shoulder Raises

Complete this exercise standing with a tall spine and great baseline posture: line up your hips over ankles, shoulders above hips, ears above shoulders with a slight drawing in of the core. Allow your arms to rest at your sides holding your weights and pull your shoulders down and back. Bend your arms at the elbows and lift the weights while keeping your elbows close to your ribcage. 

Fifty 5 Fitness Studio Winnipeg 90 Degree Dumbbell Shoulder Raises

Pay close attention to the movement in your shoulder blades as you begin to lift your elbows up to shoulder height. Lift until your elbows are level with your shoulders. Try 3 sets of 10 repetitions to begin and increase as your body becomes stronger. Wanting more back strengthening exercises? Why not try an in-person class at our studio in Winnipeg!