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In Sweat & Stretch, every Fifty 5 Fitness participant gets to enjoy the best of both worlds - 25 minutes of cardio (non-impact aerobics that is safe on your joints and muscles), 10 minutes of core exercises and 25 minutes of stretching. This 1 hour class will have you feeling revitalized and relaxed. If you can’t make it in for a class though, we’ve still got your back (er, hips!) with this week’s exercise. Any time you’re feeling a tightness in your hips, sit for a few moments in this posture to release whatever tension has built up in that space. 


Front View

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Start in a  comfortable seated posture and bring the soles of your feet together. Let your knees flop to the side without worrying about how close to the floor they are. Even though Emily is wearing shoes in these photos, feel free to try it in socks or bare feet as well. Sit in a way that you feel balanced on both sit bones and find a tall spine. Continuing to reach the crown of your head up and your tailbone down is a good habit to get into! 


Side View


To deepen this butterfly stretch, try pressing the sides of your feet into the floor and the soles of your feet together while reaching your tailbone back and down. A nice lower back release awaits you with this variation! If you’d like more of a hip release, start leaning your torso forward while keeping your spine straight. Even though you may be tempted to round your shoulders - don’t do it! Draw your shoulder blades together down your back and keep that spine long.

Hold this for between 30-60 seconds or until your hips loosen up. Over time, you’ll be able to lean forward and relax your knees towards the floor even more. Try 2 - 3 sets of 30 - 60 seconds to start to enjoy more hip flexibility.  Fifty 5 Fitness offers flexibility and stretching exercises for women in Winnipeg!


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We know that all of you 55+ ladies have concerns about your knees, so we strive to make all of our classes and exercises knee-safe. What does that mean? All aerobic and strength training exercises are low-impact so that you can feel confident you won’t accidentally worsen or create an injury. Today’s exercise is energizing and strengthening - you’ll be able to feel your quads and back getting stronger!

Start Here (A)


Start lying down on your mat or carpet with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Walk your heels towards your hips and keep all of your toes pointed straight ahead. Lay your hands down at your sides and press your palms into the mat. Maintain a long neck and leave your chin in a neutral position. 


Movement (B)


Engage your core muscles (yes, just about everything is a secret core strengthener!) then press into your heels and lift your hips off the ground. Be mindful to hold some of your weight in your hands, the rest of your weight in your feet and none of your weight in your neck. Maintain this posture by continuing to lift your hips off the ground and visualize the front of your body in one line. Keep your front body and back body engaged to strengthen your hamstrings, back, quads and core!

Hold this pose for 30 seconds to start, then gradually hold bridge for longer when it becomes easy. Try bridge in 3 sets of 30 seconds to begin and increase as your body becomes stronger. For more back strength training exercises, join us for Fifty 5 Fitness classes for women in Winnipeg!


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It has been about a year now that I have been working almost exclusively with women 55+. The one eye opener that I have noticed working with ladies in this age group is the lack of upper and lower back strength. One of the best exercises for developing strength in these areas is the simple plank. Want to join our plank party? Many of our clients have questions about this fantastic full-body exercise, so Emily is going to show you the dos and don’ts for beginners and advanced students alike!



Bring your knees together on the mat and set your hands directly below your shoulder blades. Press both hands equally into the mat and leave some space between your shoulders and your ears! Engage your abdominal muscles and reach the crown of your head away from your tailbone. Hold plank for 30 seconds to start, or until your posture starts to weaken.




Similar to the beginner option, core engagement is key! In this version, the legs are straight and toes are tucked under. Press your heels backwards and engage your thighs, glutes and calves. Imagine that your body is in one long line - like a plank of wood!


Arch Your Back

Arch Your Back

Let Your Hips and Lower Back Sag



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Did you know that poor posture can put strain on your body (especially the spine) and can actually impair your balance?  Whether you sit all day, stand all day, or practice a combination of both, there’s no denying the importance of good posture. As you’re getting older, correcting your posture is one of the best favours you can do for yourself and your overall health. Our owner Emily is a stickler for good posture - that’s why she’s here demonstrating an exercise that can help you to fix hunchback posture and strengthen your postural muscles. Click play on the video and start fixing that hunchback posture today!

Click to Play!


It can be challenging to correct your own posture. That’s why we recommend trying this out in front of a mirror or attending an exercise class. What makes our group classes stand apart is that you always get that one-on-one instruction. Our certified instructors are always circulating the room to make sure you are completing each exercise properly and safely. Better posture and safe exercising at any age is what we call a win-win!

Stop by the Fifty 5 Fitness studio in Winnipeg if your goals are to improve your balance, lose weight, feel healthier and gain strength - you’ll be glad you did!


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The 55 is one of the main classes we offer that encompasses cardio, strength training, stretching and balance work in a single class. And this is an exercise that strengthens the back and the core at the same time! When we’re providing fitness for women in Winnipeg, we look for ways to help you get the best bang for your buck with each exercise! This strength training exercise can be done at home on a yoga mat, a rug or carpet. 

Start Here (A)


Start in a tabletop pose with your shoulders directly above the wrists, and the hips overtop the knees. Tuck in your toes to help you find stability, and draw your belly button towards your spine. Holding onto your core is key in this exercise so keep your focus right there! Keep your neck neutral and look a little bit ahead while pointing the crown of your head forward and your tailbone back.


Movement (B)


When you feel ready, reach your left arm forward at shoulder height at the same time as you stretch your right leg back at hip height. Reach the fingertips forward to engage the muscles of your arm, and point your toes ballerina-style or let them point down towards the floor. Your glutes help you maintain the lift in your leg so make sure to keep them engaged! It’s common to accidentally turn your toes out to the side or lift the leg too high, so checking in a mirror is always a great option.

Hold this for 5 seconds before switching to the other side. Alternate sides - that means next time you’ll be raising the right arm and stretching your left leg back. To make this exercise even more challenging, increase the length of the hold to 10 seconds or more as you feel ready. Continue alternating until you’ve completed each side 10 times. For more back strength training exercises, join us for Winnipeg strength training at Fifty 5 Fitness!


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We're back this week with another exercise - this time for the thighs! Here to show you how to tone the thighs is our owner Emily. At Fifty 5 Fitness classes in Winnipeg, we look for ways to improve muscle strength in ways that are low-impact and safe for the knees - and this inner thigh blaster is no exception! This strength training exercise can be done at home with or without weights which makes it a great complement to your aerobic activities on days when you don't attend fitness classes.

Did you know that any standing exercise is also helpful for developing your balance? The Fifty 5 Fitness ladies are getting vey good at their balance work. Seeing how far many of them have come from a year ago since launching Fifty 5 Fitness is incredible! This multitasking exercise will help you improve your balance as you work on your thighs!

Start Here (A)

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Stand tall with your feet together and an upright posture holding one dumbbell in each hand. 2-5 pounds would be a great place to start! Engage your abdominal muscles and squeeze your shoulder blades slightly together, letting your arms rest beside your hips. Keep your spine long from your tailbone to the crown of your head. 


Movement (B)

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Take a lateral step to the left with your left foot and bend into your left knee. Maintain the slight squeeze in the shoulder blades and bring your arms slightly over to the left - imagine that you're framing your left knee with your arms! Keep your shoulders squared toward the front and split your weight evenly between both feet. For proper alignment, check that your knee stays over your heel and all ten of your toes continue to point forward. Pause for one second, then step your left foot back in line with the right to return back to start. Continue stepping the left foot out while leaving the right foot glued to its original spot!

If you choose to use weights, start with a set between 2-5lbs and try 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions on each side to blast those inner thighs! This exercise increases in difficulty depending on how far out to the side you step your foot. For more strength training thigh exercises, join us at Fifty5Fitness, a gym for women in Winnipeg!


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We have a new blog and we couldn't be more excited! Our first post is dedicated to the Fifty5Fitness ladies who come in on their first day wanting to get rid of that under-arm jiggle! To start off our blog, read on to find out how to say buh-bye to the bat wings!

Our strength training classes in Winnipeg target the triceps with many different exercises in every class we offer. Today we're going to walk you though a simple tricep exercise you can do at home in between studio classes! All you'll need is a set of weights - and a mirror always comes in handy so you can check your form!

Start Here (A)

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Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hinge from your hips to bring your torso to an incline. Keep your spine long from your tailbone to the crown of your head. Holding on to your weights in each hand, guide your elbows alongside your ribcage. Look down a few feet in front of you and engage your core to keep your lower back stable and injury-free.


Movement (B)

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Maintain the same angle in your torso, then extend the weights behind you allowing your tricep muscles to do all the work! Pause for one second, then bend at the arms to return back to start. Think about keeping your elbows tucked in close and only moving your arms from the elbows down to complete this exercise. 

Start with a light weight between 2-5lbs and try 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions, and you'll be saying buh-bye to those bat wings in no time! For more strength training tricep exercises, join us for women's fitness classes in Winnipeg with Fifty5Fitness!